
Guidelines for International Student

Eligibility to Move In
  1. New incoming students
  2. Registered students
    • Excluding those who were on academic probation in the previous semester
    • Excluding those who were given 30 points’ penalties and expelled from the dormitory

Note : Research students will be given rooms after registered students.

Selection Criteria
  1. The resident selection shall take place every semester.
  2. Selection is based on the order of application first come, first served.
  3. Selection criteria for registered students.
    • Returning/current resident students must move out of their rooms prior to the beginning of the semester if not selected.
      Unless selected students make full payment by the deadline, the vacancies will be given to those next in line on the waiting list.
Room Assignment Guidelines
  1. First-Time selectors can choose ther own rooms. Additional selectors will be randomly assigned to rhe remaining seats.
  2. Do not  accept requests to change rooms except in special cases.
  3. Students suffering from sleep disorders (snoring, teeth grinding, etc.) serious enough to disturb roommates cannot be accepted
  4. Students can choose from the two types of rooms including two-bedroom and four-bedroom. 
Dormitory Application Procedures
  1. The dormitory application submission period for international students will be the same as local students
    • No application allowed after the deadline
  2. E-mail applications are not accepted and apply through application system in dormitory homepage.